At this point, I must have left comments all over blog-ville appologising for my ubrupt absence, so here is the full story.
I had to fly down to the coast, on short notice, to try and sort out some issues at one of our clients. First of all, the last time I flew was when I was 10 years old and it was no joy ride... I was crying all the way from ear-ache, so my memories of flying werent too rose coloroud to begin with. Second of all, I wasn't sure wether I was even allowed to fly due to my condition. I had to make a rush phone call to my cardiologist to make sure that it wasn't going to give me problems. Seeing as it was only an hour and a half's flight, the cardio didn't see any problem with it.
All in all, it didn't go too badly and most probably could have gone worse.
On boarding, I literally banged my knees every second row of seats. The isles is just too narrow, especially when trying to carry a bag which keeps throwing you off balance the whole time. This is scary to me, seeing as I am so scrawny and I just can't imagine how someone with a larger "weight to height ratio" get's through hehe...
Take off is a bit of a white-nuckle thing the first time around, as anxiety rises, but looking out the window does wonders. If you see what the world outside is doing, your mind doesn't have to race around trying to keep you calm that everything is going smoothly ;D. I had pinging/stinging ear-aches every 15-odd minutes from equalising but at least nothing half as bad as I could remember having as a kid.
After reaching altitude, the only real issue reared it's head. I had twice as much floaters running around in front of my vision and my vision was streaky and blurry. Kinda like when you spill ink in water and it forms these streaks. I guess that's just the affect of the altitude on my eye pressure and most likely the veigns that I saw, which explained the "root" like structure of the streaks. These persisted during the whole flight and an hour after landing and did the same on the return flight. As I don't fly that often, I would like to know, how much this occurs in a "normal" person? Should I be concerned about it, see an opthalmologist after every flight to check for retinal problems? I did feel slight grittyness in my eyes during flight, which could be a sign of detachment but seeing as the effects wasn't permanent I supposed I don't really nead to worry about it.
I felt a bit woozy, nausia and faint during most of my stay down at the coast which was more than likely my blood-pressure & VP's acting up. I really had a sort of "opressive" feeling about me during my stay and when I got back home it was like this huge weight was lifted. I guess I ain't getting no beach house if that's what I feel like at the coast. Mind you, even though I haven't flown a lot, I have been to the coast a lot and this is the first time I had felt so "iffy".
The rest of it was just all fun and games... Reaching up to adjust the air-flow and watch the passenger next to me's expression when my wrist joint popped. Then, when getting up from my seat after landing ... I don't know wether this was due to the seat or the cabin pressure ... my chest gave a huge "SNACK!!!" sound. I was laughing all the way out after seeing my fellow passengers reactions to that one! But honestly, this was the loudest rib-cage pop I have ever had and it literrally felt like my sternum had somehow buckled inwards and popped back out when I had gotten up.
My biggest gripes about the whole affair, is that 1, my GPRS signal for some reason, was really bad, so I couldn't browse >:( and 2, the weather was way too nasty to even walk on the beach, let alone take a dip. At least I was able to get a lot done and get these people back on to track and although it is fun watching the fluffy clouds as they go by, I am definately not a fan of flying an airplane at least... It's just too much of an iffy feeling, in the air and the ground...