Now Jessi, has had sight problems since a very young age. Due to the genetic predisposition of Elsations, to getting cataracts and the Labrador mix, we werent able to save her eye sight and she has been blind for some years now. She is very happy without sight though and adjusted very well. At this point tho, we suspect that she had somehow hurt herself, either through getting a fright or while wrestling around with Lolli. Her hind quarters doesn't seem to be working all that well and seems to want to give way under her the whole time. We toke her to the vet last night and he said he would have to wait till this morning when his staff came in, to take some X-Rays and run some tests. He also said that it is either an injury to her spine or due to old-age. I can't remember how old Jessi is, but I would have to guess that she is well over 7 years.
She was such a brave little trooper. When my dad had come home and we decided to get her to the vet (Neither me nor my mom could pick her up), she calmly followed him to the garage, allowed him to pick her up and place her in the pick-up. When we arrived at the vets, she allowed the vet to prod and poke her and then when he placed her in the holding pen, she sniffed around a bit and happily laid down to sleep.
All we can do now, is wait for the vet to X-Ray her and run the tests on her before we know what decisions we will have to make ...
It is odd tho when you think about it. In the case of a human being, "mercy death" is concidered to be taboo but when it comes to pets and animals, it is almost a prerecuesite in the case of a bad illness and/or injury. This is made even more strange due to the adaptability of animals, which in my view, they are much more capable at than humans. Obviously the one reasoning, is that animals can't speak and/or tell you how much pain/discomfort they are in and the other being that a dog can have, and correct me if I am wrong, 60%? of it's vital organs fail and you wouldn't even know about it untill it was too late. This already happened to one of our dogs called Soentjies (Kisses in english).
This raises another point ... thinking back, we have had a lot of pets and counting our dogs alone, which we always tried to have in pairs of two or more, replacing the one as they passed away to keep the other happy and in company, there was:
Type: Pavement Special
Color: Black
Sex: Male
English Name: ?
Passed: Lost -
Type: Labrador
Color: Black
Sex: Female
English Name: ughm.. "Piss off" ... if someone were to break in, and the dog attacks and they tell it to go away, it keeps on coming ;D
Passed: Old Age
Type: Skipper/Foxterier
Color: Beige
Sex: Female
English Name: Wooly ... She looked like a ball of wool as a puppy
Passed: Old Age - Choked on a bone ... she was gone by the time we got her to the vets
Type: Australian Ridgeback/Labrador
Color: Beige
Sex: Female
English Name: Kisses ... She kept on giving doggy kisses in the face of the person holding her
Passed: Old Age - Total organ shut down
Type: Australian Ridgeback/Labrador
Color: Beige
Sex: Female
English Name: Crums ... She would have crums around her mouth after eating
Passed: Kidney failure, hip problems
Type: Husky/Labrador
Color: Beige/Off-White
Sex: Male
English Name: Patatoes ... He loved patatoes ...
Passed: Old Age - Cancer
Type: Rotweiler/Labrador
Color: Beige
Sex: Female
English Name: As in Lollie-pop but my mom initially wanted to call her Wollie the 2nd but it brought up too many memories
Type: Elsation/Labrador
Color: Beige
Sex: Female
English Name: Short for Jessica ... she was already named when we got her
Krimmel was the only exception to the rule as we obtained her after Soentjies but she passed away before Soentjies due to kidney failure and hip problems.
News on Jessi!
Wouldn't you know I am typing the blog we got news on Jessi... The vet said he is very happy with her this morning as she is walking around, nudging the nurses and looking much stronger. The X-Rays showed narrowing of the spinal vertebrae due to old age. He said that she is too old for surgery but that medication should definately help her.
She is such a sweet heart! I can imagine her bugging the nurses :D. Always full of love, care and attention and would sit on your feet so she knows she is close to you, as she can't see you.
Phew! What a relief! Yet, this just shows that she is no spring chicken any more and some things are inevitable ... when, I won't know but at least I still have time to cherish her ... My sweet heart doggy! She's getting a huge hug and some Beeno's when I get home!