Thursday, October 23, 2008

Starting at the beginning...ending in the future

Well now, let's see...where to begin.

I am a...


(Relatively speaking of course...)

I have a...

Pet hamster,
Pet Dog x2,
Hereditary Connective Tissue Disorder a.k.a. Marfan's (Only diagnosed this year)

(And possibly a sense of humour...)

I currently am...

Friend hunting (Good shoulders are hard to come by these days),
Tired & Frustrated with my current position,
Waiting for a new position...three weeks in the making,
Sick (Not that I am ever not sick...just a bit more than usual),
Nautious (As if you needed to know that)

I am going to...

The doctors (AGAIN) on Saturday,
Hopefully post regularly in this journal,
Hopefully make friends on Blogger,
Barf (Umm...yea, that might have been a bit TMI)

Fairly brief introduction...  
Fairly hopefull of continuing this journal further than predecessors...  
Fairly interested in meeting other bloggers...

And now, fairly bushed...


  1. I used to play the double bass. But the longer I played the more my arm went numb until the bow would drop, so I get what you say about the piano. You don't mention your scoloisis. If they didn't catch you early then you probably have some back locking up and stuff like that.

    Wow, two dogs, that's a lot of walking! I had a hamster, actually two, one named Nimrod and the other Jezebel (can you guess I grew up in a cult?). Hmmm, good thought, I have wanted a cat, but maybe I could get a hamster (since cats aren't allowed in my building).


    But more importantly: are you going to send me your address to mpshiel at (just turn the at into @) - I want to send you a postcard and I am rather relentless! Let me send you a postcard! I wanna! I wanna! I have hamster stickers to go on it!

  2. Hehe...seeing as you are so relentless, I guess I will just have to swallow my nervous/anxious social tendency and send you my address ;D

    The two dogs usually do their own walking (After cats in the yard). The one has arthritis...but that doesn't stop her from jumping around like a jack-rabbit and the other is blind...which doesn't stop her from catching cat's.

    My previous hamster was called "Hamlet"...meaning small hamster (even though that's a misnomer as it was a russian gold) and yes, I'm a Shakespear fan :P My current one is a dwarf hamster called "Stripes"...should have called it something like "Golliath"...hmmm

    Thankfully, I don't have any problems with scoliosis although my neck does sublax from time to time...(Each version of MFS is different). My cousin in America's little girl was not so lucky. I don't have a lot of contact with them but as far as I understand, she has severe scoliosis as well as multiple MFS indicators (Piano fingers that's next to nothing).


    If there is ever anything I can do, just shout :D

  3. Welcome to blogging! If this is indeed your first blog!

    I give you credit for starting it up and posting almost every day since!!! Hard to do with chronic pain/illness.

    I see you mention you are a gamer! Old school or current....or both! My husband has a blog too in which he is random, but does write about gaming. We are into old school games more so right now.....Nintendo....N64, he just got a Dreamcast too. We have so many systems, I can't even keep track!!!

    Welcome to the blogosphere! I'll see ya around!
